Hyperledger Fabric vs Corda

November 17, 2021

Hyperledger Fabric vs Corda

Choosing the right blockchain platform for your project is a critical decision. Two popular options in the market include Hyperledger Fabric and Corda. While both are designed for enterprise use cases, they differ in their architecture, consensus mechanisms, and other features.

Let's dive into a comparison of Hyperledger Fabric and Corda to help you make an informed decision.


Hyperledger Fabric uses a modular architecture that separates the consensus layer from the application layer. It is designed to be flexible, allowing developers to customize the blockchain to fit their specific use cases. Fabric uses channels to manage private transactions between participants, ensuring that confidential information is only shared with relevant parties.

Corda, on the other hand, uses a UTXO-based architecture, similar to Bitcoin. This means that each transaction consumes previous transaction outputs, allowing for greater transaction privacy. Corda's architecture also allows for interoperability with other blockchain platforms, making it a good choice for projects that require integration with external systems.

Consensus Mechanism

Hyperledger Fabric uses a pluggable consensus mechanism that allows users to choose between several options, including PBFT (Practical Byzantine Fault Tolerance), Raft, and Kafka. This flexibility ensures that the platform can manage different workload requirements and allows for customization.

Corda uses a consensus mechanism called Notary, which acts as a decentralized bridge between two parties. Notary is a decentralized version of traditional financial institutions' settlement processes, allowing participants to agree on the order of transactions in a trustless manner.


In terms of performance, both platforms can achieve high transaction throughput, but the actual number depends on the implementation and hardware used. Hyperledger Fabric can handle over 3,500 transactions per second with channels enabled, while Corda can achieve up to 200 transactions per second. However, Corda's UTXO-based architecture allows for great privacy and efficiency.

Smart Contracts

Hyperledger Fabric uses a general-purpose programming language, allowing the developer to write smart contracts in Java, Node.js, and Go. This flexibility enables the developer to create a smart contract to solve a particular problem in a language they are comfortable with, making it more accessible.

Corda uses a special-purpose programming language called Kotlin, which focuses on conciseness and reducing boilerplate code. Kotlin is also designed to work well with Java and other JVM languages, making it easier for Java-based companies to adopt Corda.


Both Hyperledger Fabric and Corda are designed for enterprise use cases and provide a high degree of flexibility and customization options. The choice between the two depends on the specific needs of your project, considering architecture, consensus mechanism, performance, and programming language.

While Hyperledger Fabric stands out for its modular architecture and flexibility, Corda focuses on privacy, interoperability, and efficiency. It's also worth noting that Corda has been released as an open-source platform, which means it offers an active developer community and continuous improvements.

We hope this comparison has been helpful in your decision-making process.


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